EnergyTracer allows users to run several types of basic reports that display data on energy usage, energy cost, and greenhouse gas emissions on all or a selection of buildings within an organization.
Transcript Report
The Transcript Report helps users to understand how their buildings' energy usage compares to the CBECs benchmark, in addition to summaries of energy usage, cost, and greenhouse gas emissions. The report assigned letter grading to each building. The grade-scale is based on a percent deviation from the building's CBECs Kbtu/Ft^2 benchmark as seen below:
Trend Report
The Trend report allows users to see their current energy usage and cost compared to a baseline year. This data is graphed to show a visual comparison. Tables display data on usage, cost, usage per ft^2, a monthly average, and percent change from the baseline year.
Usage Report
The Usage Report is a summary of total usage and cost over several years, broken out by month. The data is broken out by total for the organization, commodity (gas, water, electric, propane), electric demand, and individual buildings.
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